4 Easy Steps to Marketing Your Local Business Online

The Mom & Pop’s Guide to Massive Organic Traffic Through SEO and Content Marketing | You’re a mom and pop shop, and you know no one ever looks at yellow pages anymore. So, they’re likely searching for your kind of business online. You want to be found through Google, but SEO’s too expensive for you. What should you do? Today I’m going to break down the mom and pop guide to massive organic traffic through SEO and content marketing.

Google My Business – https://www.google.com/business/
4 Easy Steps to Marketing Your Local Business Online : https://youtu.be/BbNjhpbrRMc

The first thing I want you to do is leverage Google My Business.

Now there’s a few steps you need to take.

The first step is you have to claim your Google My Business profile.

That way people know it’s your business, and not someone else’s. After you claim your business, you need to have a strategy to attract reviews. If you don’t get reviews, you’re not going to do well on Google My Business.

So ask your clients to review you on Google My Business. Have a printed handout that reminds them to do it, and teaches them how to do it.

Remember, not everyone knows how to use Google My Business and leave a review. Always answer positive and negative reviews. It doesn’t matter if it’s positive or a negative, you want to give your response there as well.

You want to acknowledge the negative reviews and answer them politely, and work to make them better.

Photos of real location, inside and outside. That way people can spot it from the outside, but also they can see what it’s like.

Photos of your staff, how friendly they are. Make sure they got a smile. If they don’t have a smile and they’re all depressed and sad, who’s going to want to show up?

Photos of your most popular products. Your items, your food, whatever it may be. Photos of just customers hanging out enjoying themselves.

By doing all of that, you’re going to to do to much better with Google My Business and rank higher. Cause most people who do Google My Business, they’re not leveraging half these features.

They’re just claiming their profile, and then they’re just asking people to leave reviews. So if you go above and beyond, and you do all those steps, you’re going to to be much better off. Now that you’ve done Google My Business, then I want to structure your website for success.

So, your home page. On your home page you need to have a basic idea of your services. Clearly state that above the fold. Then beneath that you want two to four paragraphs about your business.

Like the location, a map showing where you’re located, a video explainer of your business, or a video breaking down how it’s like to be at your business.

And importantly, on your home page you need to have information on your opening hours.

Even though you’re in a city, there’s probably other surrounding cities where people are coming to your business, right?

I can create location based pages on all these cities on my site that I serve, and break down, you know, how long it takes from Santa Monica to get here, what’s the quickest route, what is it like. Customer tailor the advice to that area or city.

After you create those local pages make sure that those pages are cross linked to each other.

So they can jump from Santa Monica to Beverly Hills. Cause when you cross link them they’re going to end up ranking higher.

The next thing I want you to do is add as many services pages as possible. So if you have 10 services, create 10 service pages on your website. If you only have two services, create two service pages.

Next, create a reviews page on your website. Make sure you’re using proper Schema Markup, cause there’s Schema Markup for reviews.

This way when people are searching on Google they can actually see the star rating and reviews, which helps your listing stand out and get more clicks.

Next, apply the other Schema Markups at the same time. Cause if you’re already going to use the review ones might as well use the local business Schema Markup. Restaurants and lawyers will also have their own Schema Markup.

After you do that, create content for your static services pages.

Go in depth describing your services.

And last but not least, content marketing for local sites is way easier.

If you can just post once a month high quality piece of content, and in your content mention things like your location, people, land mark, events, neighborhoods, institution, this shows Google that you’re a local, relevant business.

► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital @ https://neilpateldigital.com/

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