Month: July 2020

Google and Facebook aren’t the only traffic sources that you can leverage. Here are 7 untapped opportunities Subscribe here to learn more of my secret SEO tips: Find me on Facebook: Read more on my blog: Opportunity #1: Quora – Go to Quora and respond to all of the questions people are
Manage Your Social Channels on Marketing 360®: People often check social media before they call you, make a purchase or fill out a lead form. This process is called “social proofing”. It’s key you have a strong social presence so you pass this process with flying colors and get more leads and sales! So
Managing a company’s brand, even during “normal” times, can be challenging depending upon your niche, your competition and the current circumstances. And of course, most of us have heard of (but hopefully, never experienced) instances in which a misstep by a business created serious reputation issues for the brand.  When circumstances are severe, however, such
Get a Competitive Advantage with Marketing 360: (Direct links to each point in the description below) One thing you have to remember is that online and offline sales are really two sides of the same coin, right? It’s just two different opportunities for consumers to purchase from you. So if you are an offline
How Long Does SEO Take to Work For a New Website? This is by far one of the most asked questions I get. Even when you do on-page SEO and build backlinks, it can take some time for it to start getting traffic from Google. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ The Best FREE Traffic Sources for
Microsoft’s Digital Marketing Center. Microsoft’s Digital Marketing Center is moving past pilot stage, the company announced Monday. The platform is designed to help small and medium-sized businesses manage digital campaigns across multiple networks from one interface. Digital Marketing Center enables small businesses to manage organic social media and paid search and social campaigns across Microsoft,
Grow Your Business with Marketing 360: If you’re a consultant looking to generate more leads these 8 tips are hand picked just for you! Tip #1 Establish your credibility with statistics and successes. Show them you can drive results where there may be a deficiency. (Dynamic homepage) Tip #2 Show how you can bring
Roy Amara’s oft-cited law states, “We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run.” This appears to especially applicable to voice and voice search. While there’s been steady growth in the use of voice and virtual assistants since Siri was introduced more than a decade ago, the market hasn’t been transformed.
Website and page authority, as defined by the number and quality of backlinks, is one of the most important search ranking factors. It is also one of the search engine optimization areas where you can gain the most advantage over your competitors. Sure, there are also technical and on-page SEO, keyword research, and content optimization,