One Data Point That Will Change How You Do B2B Marketing

One data point that’ll change how you do B2B marketing. I own a ad agency called NP Digital, we have 700 plus employees globally and we focus on helping companies grow their traffic and their customer base from the internet.



Now, can you guess what the number one channel that drives our customers? Seriously, let me know what you think? Take a guess by leaving a comment below with answer. Now, if you guess that it was SEO or paid ads or any form of marketing, you’re wrong, it’s actually referrals.

A great example of this is a client telling other people about our company and our services and how they’re happy, because if their friends also own businesses and their friends are looking for marketing help, they’re usually like, “Well, if you had good luck with this company, let us try it out as well.”

Another way we get referrals is a lot of our employees have come from other ad agencies, they’re experienced, they’re season. So a lot of times companies have worked with them at previous companies and they’re like, “Wait, I love working with Chad, where’s he now?” “Oh, he’s at NP Digital, let me hit him up and see if NP Digital is a fit for us.”

In other words, referrals is how we get majority of our revenue, but that’s not the data point that’ll change how you do marketing. Now, can you guess what our second most popular channel is? I’ll give you a hint, it’s a marketing channel this time. It’s actually SEO. SEO drives over 2 million visitors a month, literally two plus million visitors a month. And it’s a great long-term channel that you should focus on even though it takes a while.

But that’s not the data point either, this third one though is, can you guess what the third most popular channel is for my ad agency? I’m talking about the channel that is the third most popular, that drives new customers, revenue, right? Not traffic, actual paying customers. And this channel works really well for both B2B and B2C.

I’ll give you a hint, it’s not paid ads and it is a social channel, it’s actually YouTube. YouTube is the second most popular search engine in the world according to Similarweb.

Did you know that people search for tips, strategies, tactics, and all things B2B and even B2C related on YouTube, such as how to do SEO or how to put on makeup? YouTube generates us over 640,000 views a month, if not up to a million on a good month.

So with your B2B marketing, add YouTube into the mix, don’t take it for granted, it works. It’s not that competitive, there’s not as many people trying to create content for YouTube, and I don’t know why because it’s an amazing channel. Plus once you create that content for YouTube, you can also put on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, you can literally repurpose it and put it everywhere, which drives even more revenue. And we see revenue from Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, all the social channels in essence. But people some reason don’t really care to create video-based content when it works extremely well for both B2B and even B2C.

If you need help with your social media marketing, check out my ad agency NP Digital, where we also help companies with their YouTube SEO. And if you have any questions, leave a comment below, I’m here to answer them and help you out.

I hope you enjoyed this video, like it, share it, tell people about it and have a wonderful day.

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