My Favorite SEO Hack to Increase Website Traffic | Neil Patel

In today’s tutorial I’m going to share with you my favorite SEO hack to increase website traffic that you’re not doing.

Have you tried all those traffic hacks out there, but you found that you’re getting very little traffic or results? Today I’ll teach you one simple hack that’ll increase your website traffic fast. And I bet less than 1% of you are using this tactic.


Google Search Console:


“How to Increase Your Search Traffic by 58% in 30 Days” (video):

“One (Simple) Hack to Get More Website Traffic FAST” (video):

“5 Tools That’ll Help You Drive Traffic to Your Website | Search Engine Optimization Tips” (video):

“3 Simple Tricks to INCREASE Traffic to Your Blog Without Writing More Content” (video):

“How to Use Google Search Console to Drive 28% More Search Traffic”:

Read more website traffic tips on my blog:

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First, go into Google Search Console. Second, look for all the keywords that you’re ranking for that are driving the majority of the traffic. They should be ranked at the top within your Google Search Console. It typically shows you the most popular keywords that you get the most clicks for to the least popular ones at the bottom. Now I want you to take those keywords and click on ’em. Google Search Console will show you which page that keyword is pointing to. This is really important. Once you’ve done this, you now know the most popular keywords that are driving traffic to your website. If you guys already know how to do this, and you’ve done this before, comment with a yes. If you don’t know how to do this, please comment with a I’ve never done this before or a no. The reason I’m asking you to do this is this will help me create future videos so I know what to teach you on and what I know not to teach you on ’cause I don’t wanna regurgitate the same information that you already know. But as I mentioned, you’re not doing this. And check this out, I’m not talking about the Google Search Console part. You now have the keywords that are driving traffic and what pages they’re going to. Take that keyword and put it into Ubersuggest. Ubersuggest will show you all the Google suggest versions of that keyword. What I mean by Google suggest is, have you every done a Google search and you start typing in things like marketing, and it starts recommending other long tail phrases that are similar to marketing that other people search for? These are other popular terms. If you already know that you’re ranking for terms like marketing, what Ubersuggest will do is it’ll show you all the long tail phrases. See with Google, it’s much harder to rank for head terms than it is to rank for long tail terms. So take whatever terms that you’re already ranking for that’s driving the majority of your traffic, print to Ubersuggest it’ll show you all the other similar long tail phrases that you should be using within that web page. Now I want you to go back to your web page and I want you to integrate those keywords in there. It could be that you can just add them in because your contents are already similar to those key words. It may be that you have to update your content, add in paragraphs and paragraphs of text which is fine as well. You’ll also find that some of those key words aren’t relevant enough to your content and that means that you may want to write a secondary article or another article around that one long tail phrase. Now that you’ve done this, I want you to also update your title tag and your meta description to include those most popular terms that Ubersuggest showed you. Now that you’ve done that, take that URL, go back into Google Search Console and submit it for re-indexing. Once you submit it for re-indexing, what you’ll find is it’ll get re-crawled by Google again. Within 30 days, you’ll notice that your page that was already ranking for a head term, a popular term that was driving a lot of your traffic, will also now start ranking for long tail phrases and you’ll be getting all this extra traffic that you never had before. That’s my traffic hack. It’s simple, it’s easy to do but most people don’t use it because it uses tools like Google Search Console and Ubersuggest separately instead of combining them. When you combine them, you’ll get much more traffic and best of all both of these tools are for free.

#NeilPatel #seo #growthhacking

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